As COVID-19 asks us to reimagine our public spaces and bring public life outdoors, the Irish Architecture Foundation hosted an information session to inspire local authority staff in the important work they do in designing our public realm.
Specialists in architecture and urban design Emma Geoghegan, Alan Mee and Orla Murphy were on hand to illustrate some examples of best practice, innovation, and creativity in the area of placemaking. There was an opportunity for discussion around great design in the context of the outdoor built environment, including spaces for culture, dining, and entertainment. Important considerations in the design of the post-COVID-19 public realm include accessibility, adaptability, inclusion, year-round use, and public health.
Never before have our Local Authorities faced such a design challenge or a design opportunity. We wanted to illustrate how important good architecture is to our public realm, and how it can transform a space into a place that people celebrate, want to spend time in, and feel safe in.
The aim of this information session was to inspire local authorities to engage an architect early on as part of their public realm funding applications for new initiatives, such as the ‘Outdoor Public Space Scheme 2021’, and to highlight the importance of architecture and design input at all stages. During the session there will also be an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss ideas.
Emma Geoghegan, architect, urban designer and educator, Chair of the Bachelor of Architecture programme at TU Dublin.
Alan Mee, Architect, Urban Designer, Lecturer and Assistant Professor (UCD)
Orla Murphy, Architect and Assistant Professor (UCD)
Reimagine: Funded by Creative Ireland, Reimagine is a nationwide placemaking programme by the Irish Architecture Foundation, working with communities across Ireland to co-create and co-design solutions to problems or opportunities they’ve identified in their locality. Click here to visit the Reimagine website.
Photo: Cruth Curach, designed and handcrafted by architects Bulcholz McEvoy and Jim and Conall Horgan of the Galway School of Boat Building. Find out more.