ID2015 Design Hub @ Dublin Castle
01 645 88 45
Irish Design 2015 is delighted to offer an exciting range of FAMILY DAY DESIGN WORKSHOPS in our Design Hub @ Dublin Castle. These fun workshops encourage creative thinking, help to build dexterity and introduce children to new design/craft skills through playful experimentation with materials, techniques and ideas. On alternate Saturdays of every month we invite young makers and their families to the ID2015 Design Hub in Dublin Castle, to take part in hands-on design and crafting workshops which begins with a tour of the gallery, specially designed to get you in the mood for creating!
Fun family workshops developed to nurture creativity, teach design and develop making skills in children. Workshops explore ideas within the ID2015 exhibitions, starting with an exhibition tour to gather inspiration. These 60 minute hand-on workshops are designed for 5+ children with parents / guardians. 10.30am session is suitable for 5-8 years, while the 12noon session is more advanced for 9-13 years. Places are limited, to book email
This is NOT an IAF workshop. For more info please visit the FAMILY DAYS website.