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2024 Programme Announcement

Call for participants for The City Unknown: IAF Summer School 2024


Uncover the ephemeral city of Dublin in this year’s IAF Summer School, in person and online, 10-18 May.

“A city always contains more than any inhabitant can know, and a great city always makes the unknown and the possible spurs to the imagination.” Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust, a History of Walking


The Irish Architecture Foundation is pleased to reveal the title of this year’s 5th annual IAF Summer School. 

The City Unknown will take place online and in-person from May 10-18, 2024. This programme of conversations and workshops will feature a range of international emerging architects and urbanists. With a focus on exploring, mapping, drawing out and then sharing the often hidden, ephemeral and embedded qualities and stories of cities, participants of The City Unknown summer school see Dublin in a way they would never have imagined.

The City Unknown is led by three exciting and accomplished European collectives: METASITU (Greece, Ukraine), continentale (Italy, Switzerland), and Spolka (Slovakia). 

All Summer School events are presented as part of the LINA Programme.


Schedule and Bookings:


At IAF House with METASITU, 10-11 May 


Online with continentale, 14 May 


At IAF House with Spolka, 17-18 May


Important booking information:

The IAF Summer School, The City Unknown,  is open to all, including professionals, academics, graduates and students. It will be of particular relevance to architects, artists, activists, creatives, cultural practitioners, community workers, urbanists, geographers, film-makers and anyone with an interest in architecture, sustainability, design and the built environment. CPD points are available for participating registered architects.

The City Unknown is free to attend, but booking is essential as places are limited.

It is possible to book for one, two, or all three parts of the IAF Summer School. Those who wish to attend all events must book for each event separately.


About LINA:

The IAF Summer School forms part of IAF’s contribution to the LINA programme of architecture events all over Europe.

IAF is a member organisation of LINA, a European network of 34 institutions working at the intersection of architecture and other fields related to spatial culture. LINA’s goal is to help steer the architectural sector towards clean and circular practices through Learning, Interacting and Networking in Architecture and by supporting emerging professionals (competitively selected LINA Fellows) with innovative and forward-looking projects.

LINA is coordinated by the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and co-funded by the Creative Europe initiative of the European Union.

Each year LINA has Open Calls for emerging professionals to join their programmes as LINA Fellows. Becoming a LINA fellow offers you opportunities to collaborate with LINA member organisations all over Europe. Please follow this link to learn more about responding to this year’s Open Call.


Photo by the Irish Architecture Foundation.


White on black logo: LINA Co-funded by the European Union