In 2010, SARC – the Slow Architectural Research Collective curated an architecture exhibition entitled ‘Slow Architecture and Place’ that followed the Grand Canal from Belmont in Co. Offaly as far as the Grand Canal basin in Dublin. A specially fitted out canal boat acted as the host for the duration exhibition, stopping at a total of six villages and towns along the route. The seven selected exhibitors were asked to respond to the notion of slow architecture and to examine whether and how this might be achievable in a modern Irish building climate, and illustrated these ideas through a different range of projects. The exhibition engaged with some 300 school children as well as architects and the general public over its two month journey.
SARC were once again the curators of a second Slow Architecture exhibition, which this time took place from May – July 2011 and involved a series of schools’ workshops run by six individually selected exhibitors. All workshops were guided by the theme of ‘Slow Architecture
and Education’ and within this they addressed different aspects and approaches. The three pillars of social, environmental and ethical concerns support the Slow Movement and it is the communication of these values through our built environment to the younger generation that
formed the basis of the 2011 exhibition.
The curators, the slow architectural research collective, are now launching a book based on the journey and its participants, in the RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 on 23 February at 5.30pm. More info here.