The second International Summer School will take place in June on the theme of Architecture and Media.
The International Summer School will feature a series of live, virtual seminars and workshops exploring the relationship between architecture and media. We will explore how architecture as culture is mediated, communicated, disseminated, represented, experienced and consumed through the diverse media of filmmaking, podcasting and critical writing.
The Summer School seminars will welcome a wide national and international audience of general public, practitioners and professionals, with unlimited places.
The Summer School workshops are interactive, participatory sessions for creative practitioners, with limited places.
This event has now passed and registration is closed.
Programme Outline:
Week 1: Architecture and Film
On Looking: Explore how architecture and the urban realm is represented and experienced through film, with filmmaker Tapio Snellman (Finland/UK), architect, filmmaker and academic Amy Murphy (USA), and lecturer in film studies, Mark Shiel (UK/IRL). Join us for a film screening in honour of the late Paddy Cahill (IRL), followed by a live panel discussion with Gul Kacmaz Erk (UK, Ellen Rowley (IRL) and Tadhg O’Sullivan (IRL), chaired by IAF director Nathalie Weadick (IRL).
Week 2: Architecture and Podcasts
On Speaking: Delve deeper into the dynamic medium of podcasting, with architects Emmett Scanlon (IRL), host of ‘What Do Buildings Do All Day?’, Matthew Blunderfield (UK), host of ‘Scaffold’ and Grace La (USA), host of ‘Talking Practice’.
Week 3: Architecture and Writing
On Writing: Focus on the mediation and dissemination of architecture as culture, through critical writing, with Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic Inga Saffron, architecture critic, editor and curator Mimi Zeiger (USA) and editor of Dezeen, Tom Ravenscroft (UK). Award-winning architecture critic Shane O’Toole (IRL) will facilitate a workshop on writing.
Registration for the International Summer School is now closed.
The IAF International Summer School is curated and delivered by the Irish Architecture Foundation and is kindly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.
The Irish Architecture Foundation endeavours to offer programmes that are accessible and inclusive to all. We will offer live closed captioning at our public seminars. Should you have additional accessibility needs please do not hesitate to contact us at production@