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2020 Programme Placemaking Public realm

Reimagine online portal now live


Last week the IAF were delighted to have Minister Catherine Martin launch our new Reimagine online portal and printed publication.

Reimagine is a nationwide placemaking programme, working with communities across Ireland to co-create and co-design solutions to problems or opportunities they’ve identified in their locality.

Reimagine matches architects with local partners, enabling communities to play an active role in the development of their neighbourhoods, streetscapes, parks, villages and towns.

The website and publication detail the history and legacy of place related projects delivered by the IAF, and how these projects became the foundation of our current Reimagine programme. The website is a central portal for placemaking that harnesses the agency of communities across Ireland to amplify their potential in a way that can transform their physical, social, psychological well being.
Click here or the image below to access the new website, ReimaginePlace.ie


The printed publication, Reimagine Making Place Better, includes reports from our recent projects alongside introductions from our funders Creative Ireland and our Director Nathalie Weadick. You can also find out more about our recent Reimagine masterclasses and read a specially commissioned essay from Daisy Froud. Click here to visit the Reimagine website and download your own free copy.

Find out more about Reimagine by clicking here.

The Reimagine project has been supported by Creative Ireland Programme’s National Creativity Fund.