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Community Talk

Speaker Profile: Colm O’Gorman


He worked as a waiter, a barman, a charity fundraiser, a hair salon manager, a security guard, a coat check attendant, a radio dj, a cook, a restaurant manager, a mini cab driver and as a psychotherapist. Arguably our highest profile speaker Colm O’Gorman is now a leading social justice commentator, director of Amnesty International Ireland and founder of One In Four Ireland.

As a teenager Colm was sexually abused by a priest. In 1998 he launched a case against the Roman Catholic Church. He went on to sue the bishop of his home diocese and the pope. In 2002 he took part in a BBC documentary telling his story, which resulted in the resignation of the bishop of Ferns Dr Brendan Comiskey.

As director of Amnesty International Ireland he is currently focussing his efforts on the Yes campaign for Marriage Equality, which was launched on 22 March.

“May 22 will be an historic date,” Colm said when launching the campaign. “It is a day when we all, as Irish people, have a chance to stand for a Republic of equals. A day when we can more fully realise equality for all of our people… Love does not discriminate, and neither should our laws.”

A little birdy told us that he is guaranteed bring the house to a stand with his 20 slides at Pecha Kucha on Wednesday 22 April 7pm at The Grand Social. Other speakers include abgc architectsAnne Bedos (Rothar), Broden Giambrone (TENI), Michael Hayes (2ha), Mathew Jebb (Botanic Gardens), Alex Milton (Irish Design 2015), Naoise Nunn (Sky Cats Laughs), Studio Red architectsConcrete Collar fashion blog and Rosie O’Reilly (Re-dress). MCing on the night is the ever reliable Ciaran O Gaora.

Wednesday 22 April, 7pm, The Grand Social. Tickets are available on the door for just €5.