This 320-page full-colour Gandon Editions hardback book by the architect Seán Antóin Ó Muirí features over 150 of the best buildings and public spaces completed in Dublin since 1990. The selected projects are contextualised by authoritative essays on contemporary and 20th-century Dublin architecture by Dermot Boyd, Ciarán Cuffe and Shane O’ Toole. This sumptuously illustrated book carries 1,397 illustrations — 691 photos and 706 drawings. This book will be an essential architectural guide for cultural tourists and researchers. The book will appeal to anyone interested in architecture and indeed anyone interested in contemporary Dublin.
Dublin Architecture, 150+ Buildings since 1990 book launch is NOT an IAF event and is delivered by Seán Antóin Ó Muirí and Gandon Editions for more information please visit this website.