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Reimagine Session: Storytelling for Placemaking


The IAF’s Reimagine Sessions are an annual series of talks designed to provide professional and community-based placemakers in Ireland with new knowledge and resources in a range of relevant topics. Sessions are facilitated by experts in their field, who also write a tie-in Reimagine Pocket Guide as a practical reference tool.

The Reimagine Sessions 2024 open on Thursday 16 May with a lunchtime webinar on Storytelling for Placemaking.

A good story has the power to engage and to make your narrative resonate with your audience. A placemaking project involves many different stakeholders, and the ability to clearly communicate with all of them is essential throughout all the phases of a project.

In this Session, you will hear from experienced placemaking communicator Sarah Westlake about the fundamentals of storytelling and explore how to leverage your pitch when communicating with collaborators, community members, local authorities and potential funders. The talk will be followed by a Q&A.

Reserve your place.

The next event of the series, The Process of Placemaking, will take place on 18 July.

Looking for more placemaking resources to help with your project or professional development in the meantime? Visit the Resources page on our Reimagine website to watch recordings of past Reimagine talks, read Pocket Guides on topics including Placemaking in the Irish Town, Building Capacity for Placemaking, Access and Inclusion in Placemaking, and Trauma Informed Placemaking, and download policies, guidelines, and toolkits relevant to placemaking in Ireland.


Photo: Reimagine Workers Villages at the National Ploughing Championships. Photo by Ste Murray.