Interview Learning Meet the Graduate Panel: Ali McMahon 07.07.23 Established in 2021, the IAF Graduate Panel offers a discursive and collaborative space to share ideas and an opportunity to link with the IAF’s core programme. We’d like to introduce you to our panelists over a series of interviews. CONTINUE READING
Learning Download Your Architrek Here 21.03.14 The IAF’s Architeks are specially designed architecture activity sheets for families, full of observation games, sketching and quizzes that take you along selected routes. CONTINUE READING
Curatorial Events Learning Publications A Space for Learning Publication Wins Major Award! 15.12.11 We at the IAF are delighted to announce that Dublin-based printers Plus Print have won the prestigious Irish Small Printer of the Year Award at the Irish Print Awards 2011 for our recent A Space for Learning publication! CONTINUE READING
Competition Exhibition Learning A Space for Learning: an Architects-in-Schools Programme 16.03.10 We kicked off its new education programme in late 2009 with A Space for Learning, a design competition to challenge current thinking on school design, where architects collaborate with the end-users of educational spaces - the students. CONTINUE READING