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Curatorial Events, Talk

Agents of Architecture

In 2012, a series of talks aimed at expanding the public’s understanding of the wider role of architecture in society was curated by the Irish Architecture Foundation, in partnership with IMMA, across Dublin. Agents of Architecture, marked IMMA’s use of the exhibition spaces at the National Concert Hall site in Earlsfort Terrace.

High profile national and international speakers were invited as agents of architecture to represent their involvement in the subject, their understanding of its definition, from the typical to the most un-orthodox views. The series aimed to uncover architecture’s impact on society, analyse architecture’s connection to culture, and reveal new critical approaches to engaging audiences.


The series featured Beatrice Galilee is a London-based curator, writer, critic, consultant and lecturer in contemporary architecture and design, Zoë Ryan, John H. Bryan Chair and Curator of Architecture and Design at the Art Institute of Chicago, Anne Lacaton, Lacaton Vassal, Paris and Eva Franch, Director Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York.