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‘The Lost Palace of North Kerry’ KCC seeks submissions


Creative Ireland Kerry at the Arts Office of Kerry County Council and in association with the
Conservation Office at Kerry County Council, wish to develop a creative project as a cultural heritage
initiative in Lixnaw in the Listowel Municipal District.

The aim of the project is work creatively to assist understanding and appreciation of the built heritage of 18th Century Lixnaw. The collaboration currently has two aims which will conclude in the late Spring of 2019 and include the following:
1. A Creative Project with schools and the local community
2. A Seminar Day in Lixnaw that will include presentations, conversation and a showcase of the 18th century historical landscape.

Applicants are being asked to submit under point 1 above for a Creative Project only. The aim is to  link with local schools and the local community introducing a creative process that has a creative outcome in the form of a temporary or more permanent artwork, (point 2 is mentioned above as point 1(Creative Project) will be showcased as part of point 2 (Seminar). A minimum two-person collaboration is requested regarding applications to this opportunity.

Lixnaw in North Kerry has a rich cultural heritage and an opportunity exists to develop a creative project for the county that links to the historical significance of the area. The aim is to initiate a process of discovery and engagement with this heritage for the local and wider Kerry community, putting in place a creative process and resulting project that will raise awareness as well as animate the rich heritage of the area. The process must be facilitated by the creative sector. Following a process of creative engagement with schools and community groups, the project outcome can but is not limited to the creation of an art piece or artwork such as 3D model, film, performance, happening or other creative outcome that will express the community’s newfound appreciation for Lixnaw, its heritage and its historical significance.

If the project outcome is a physical piece of art, temporary or permanent in nature, it will remain the responsibility of the applicant to install, present or showcase the artwork as part of Stage 2 of this project, the Seminar. This event will take place in the spring/early summer of 2019. The project outcome art piece/ showcase/presentation/artwork, needs to be practical in nature and suggestions as to location, dimensions, format, presentation are being requested.

Proposals are therefore being sought and must be submitted to The Arts Office/Creative Ireland Kerry no later than 1pm on Thursday 28th February 2019.

For Full Brief: Kerry County Council Brief