Our exciting new photography competition is open to budding and experienced photographers of all ages. The competition is now open and runs until October 8th and will include a photo-of-the-day to be featured on IAF social media. Prizes to be announced over the course of the competition.
Prize-winners will include:
Public Choice Award: selected by public vote on Fickr
Jury Award selected by The Irish Times Open House Dublin Competition Jury: Alice Clancy: Architect & Photographer, Rich Gilligan: Artist and Dave Sleator, Picture Editor, Irish Times.
The Theme
Architecture Alive
The IAF believes in the power of architecture to transform the places where we live life, and each year thousands of people engage in their built environment through Open House Dublin. This year we want to celebrate this collective connection to architecture through our public photography competition. Cities are fluid, they have the capacity to live, grow and develop and Architecture Alive! invites us to portray the impact buildings have on our lives and how they shape our environment and us. This theme also shows that architecture inhabits and embodies time, whether in design or construction, use or reuse; it possesses a life cycle. While buildings themselves live many lives they also support and sustain life.
Location: As this is an Open House Dublin competition, all photos must be of Dublin City and suburbs and Dún Laoghaire. Photos of specific buildings and events from the Open House Dublin weekend are welcome but not essential.
Competition Criteria: creativity, quality of photograph and relevance to the theme.
To submit
1) Sign up to the IAF newsletter
This is how we will announce winners, prizes and other competition updates. Sign up here.
2) Complete and return the competition entry form (pdf here or word doc here)
The entry form contains full details of the competition rules, submission instructions and Terms and Conditions. Please read carefully and return to: irisharchitecturefoundation@yahoo.ie
3) Join the Flickr group:
Upload max 1 photo per day between September 20 and October 8 to our dedicated Flickr group: www.flickr.com/groups/ohdtimes_photo_2012
To vote
Anyone can vote for their favourite entry. The photograph that collects the most votes will receive the Public Choice Award of the The Irish Times Open House Dublin Competition. To vote on your favourite photograph(s), go to our Flickr page: www.flickr.com/groups/ohdtimes_photo_2012
Select your favourite photograph(s) by clicking on the pink star. Simple!
Image by Paul Tierney