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The Irish Landscape Awards 2012


The Irish Landscape Awards 2012 takes place on 27th November 2012. They will be celebrating the best of contemporary Irish landscape design and management in categories including Public Realm, Urbanism, Private Spaces, Heritage and Conservation, Landscape Research, and The Student Award for Landscape Design. This year they are launching a brand new award for Green Infrastructure, the first and only award of its kind in Ireland!

The ILI 20th Anniversary Gala-Dinner (4 Course meal at Bewley’s Hotel Restaurant) will take place after the ILI Green Infrastructure Conference at 5.30pm followed by a wine reception The ILI National Design Awards 2012 prize-giving ceremony will begin at 8pm.

Please contact us if you would like to reserve a place for dinner (cost €45.00 per person)

Entry to the Reception and Awards is free for ILI members and conference delegates.

The Irish Landscape Institute Awards 2012 is part of Design Week 2012, which takes place across Dublin from Nov 5th – 11th.

Date: 27th November
Time: dinner from 5.30pm, prize-giving at 8pm
Location: Thomas Prior Hall, Bewley’s Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Price: €45 per person for dinner, entry to the Reception and Awards is free for ILI members and conference delegates.
To Reserve: contact ili@irishlandscapeinstitute.com
For more information please visit www.irishlandscapeinstitute.com