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Sleep till Death – A film by Francis Matthews and Stephen Mulhall


Samuel Beckett’s ‘Sleep Till Death’ is his translation of Chamfort’s aphorism ‘Vivre est une maladie dont le sommeil nous soulage toutes les seize heures. C’est un palliatif; la mort est le remède.’ It encapsulates Beckett’s ambiguous feelings about the tragedy of life (and death).

Filmed in the current home of the IAF, the former Pathology Building of University College Dublin’s original city centre campus, the spaces echo these interests: decayed, entropic, exposing a palimpsest of the buildings and its hidden lives. ‘Sleep Till Death,’ made by Stephen Mulhall and Francis Matthews, was exhibited at Describing Architecture 2014 in Dublin.


Sleep till Death is NOT an IAF work and is delivered by Stephen Mulhall and Francis Matthews for more information please visit this website.