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Opportunity Research

SAUL: Call For Expressions of Interest


The SA UL Intelligence Unit will be conducting research work on Limerick’s development asa Positive Energy city.

Research will be conducted through thorough observation, investigation, analysis, discovery and discussion. Researchers will use data modelling and
BIM platforms, various methodologies of engaging citizens and stakeholders. This IU will be
based in Fab Lab Limerick on Rutland Street during the Summer.

Over the course of the last 10 years, the SAUL IU (iu.saul.ie) has worked on developing
strategies for the future, and demonstrates the capacity of architecture to answer wider
societal questions.

This Summer’s IU programme will reflect SAUL’s contributions to the larger “Positive City
Exchange” project (read more about this project here: https://cityxchange.eu/) of which
SAUL and UL are key Limerick partners. The research will be continually tested over the
course of the summer through regular seminars and reviews. The IU will conclude with a
public exhibition and publication of the research undertaken.

The research project will run for a period of 8 weeks – commencing end of May 2019.
Payment is €210 per week + Holiday Pay.
Expressions of Interest (1no. A4 page only outlining your relevant experience to date, your
reasons for applying and clearly listing your IT skills, presentation skills and teamwork
experience) to reach Sylvia Carroll (sylvia.carroll@ul.ie) by May 20th @12noon.