Angela Brady, President of the RIBA has launched a #PRINTEDarchitecture + Fashion T-shirt Competition to coincide with London Fashion Week. This is a simple online T-shirt Competition to “Celebrate Great Architecture”. The competition is free to enter and open to everyone worldwide. As many submissions as you like is allowed (one per tweet at a time).
All entries must be posted online on Twitter to @AngelaBradyRIBA copied to #PRINTEDarchitecture and can be posted anytime up to the deadline.
All entries must be on a plain white cotton T-shirt, with long or short sleeves, identify the designer’s name, must be about Architecture and must be for the front side of a t-shirt only. The final t-shirt entry must be photographed and submitted on Twitter with the designer’s name visible.
The best five winning t-shirts will be printed and for sale at RIBA. Judging will be online voting and at the RIBA President’s discretion.
An honorarium of RIBA bookshop vouchers will be paid to five winners. All profits from any sales of the winning entries will go to the RIBA Student Fund.
Image by Prada
Date: Deadline March 4th
Time: 12 noon
Location: Twitter @AngelaBradyRIBA #PRINTEDarchitecture
Price: Free
For more information please visit @AngelaBradyRIBA