Broden Giambrone is the Chief Executive of Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI). TENI work towards equal rights for trans people and their families by providing support, education, advocacy and capacity building.
Broden has over ten years experience working with trans communities in Ireland and Canada. He is an active advocate for transgender rights and is currently leading TENI’s campaign for inclusive gender recognition legislation.
Ireland is the only country in the EU that has no provision for legal gender recognition. Legal gender recognition allows an individual to change the gender on their birth certificate and be recognised by the State in their true gender. Without this transgender and intersex people have no formal legal status and this impacts on their access to basic social services including social welfare benefits, education and marriage and various other aspects of life that can usually be taken for granted by individuals.
There has been some progress, last December, the Irish Government introduced the Gender Recognition Bill 2014. This piece of legislation would formally recognise trans and intersex people in Ireland. As the Bill has been published, it will now be debated in the Houses of the Oireachtas.
Broden will speak at Pecha Kucha Dublin on 22 April 7pm at The Grand Social. Other speakers include abgc architects, Anne Bedos (Rothar), Alex Milton (Director of Irish Design 2015), Mathew Jebb (Botanic Gardens), Rosie O’Reily (Re-Dress), Anne Bedos (Rothar), Michael Hayes (2ha), Naoise Nunn (Cat Laughs Comedy Festival), Studio Red architects, Concrete Collar fashion blog and Colm O’Gorman (Amnesty International). MCing on the night is the ever reliable Ciaran O Gaora. Tickets are available on the door for €5.