Manchán Magan is a writer, traveller and television maker. He has made over 30 travel documentaries focusing on issues of world culture and globalization.
He presented No Béarla, a documentary series about traveling around Ireland speaking only Irish. He writes a travel column for The Irish Times and his show The Big Adventure, on RTÉ Radio One explores adventure holidays. He has written two books in Irish, Baba-ji agus TnaG (Coiscéim 2005) and Manchán ar Seachrán (Coiscéím 1998), and his English travel books include Angels & Rabies: a journey through the Americas (Brandon, 2006), Manchán’s Travels: a journey through India (Brandon, 2007) and Truck Fever: a journey through Africa (Brandon, 2008).
Manchán is taking time (6 minutes and 40 seconds to be precise) out of his amazingly busy life to present at Pecha Kucha. Other speakers on the night include Gearóid Carvill and Kieran Harnett (Dublin Honey Project), Sean Harrington (Sean Harrington Architects), Anne Bedos (Rothar), Esther Gerrard (Bloom Fringe), Manchan Magan (RTE/TG4/The Irish Times), Hollie Kearns and Rosie Lynch (Callan Workhouse Union), Douglas Carson (Carson and Crushell), Emmet Condon (Homebeat) and Sam Tranum (Liberties Press).
If you’re unfamiliar with the Pecha Kucha format, here it is in a nutshell: speakers get 20 slides, and 20 seconds to explain each. This is no excuse to talk through the technicalities of their work, but to provoke us into thinking about themes and issues that effect us all. Pecha Kucha is a not-for-profit event and is brough to you by Irish Architecture Foundation and Totally Dublin.
Wednesday 22 July, 7pm, The Sugar Club. Tickets are available on the door for just €5 and that includes a free Peroni beer.