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“Making Cities Work” – PII Conference 2014


19th June
from 08:00 until 13:00
at the Marker Hotel
Grand Canal Square,

You can download the full programme HERE.

You can BOOK your ticket HERE.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Making Cities Work’, reflecting the fact that, as Ireland and the world become increasingly urbanised, the construction and property sectors will play an ever-greater role in ensuring we have cities that are attractive places in which to work, live, and invest. The aim for the conference is to bring international experience and innovation to Ireland.

The conference is to stimulate debate in the Irish property and construction sector so that we might embrace new ideas from elsewhere, adapt them for the Irish market, and ensure Ireland has cities that work.

Making Cities Work awards is NOT an IAF event and is delivered by Property Industry Ireland for more information please visit this website.