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Instant House @ School Competition


On the occasion of MADE expo Milano Architettura Design Edilizia, set to take place at the Milan Fairgrounds at the beginning of October, Federlegno Arredo S.r.l. is promoting the Instant House @ School competition to find the most novel projects for residential cityscapes and urban society. With the focus on kindergartens or nursery schools, and open to Italians and non-Italians who are studying or have studied architecture, engineering and industrial design, the compeition asks for architectural ideas relating to the many ways that children perceive and interpret the world around them through the multi-sensory experience of space and architecture.

The Competition is open to graduates and students of architecture, engineering and industrial design. Degrees must have been earned after 31 January 2008 and students must have been enrolled in university courses on 31 January 2013.

All projects will be on display at MADE expo, the forthcoming international construction and design trade show that will take place at the Milan Fairgrounds Rho from 2nd to 5th October 2013.

Prize for the winning entry: EUR 1,500
Runner up: EUR 1,000
Third prize: EUR 750

29th April – Deadline for requesting clarifications
3rd June – Deadline for submitting registration forms and entries
24th June – Announcement of results Exhibition and awards ceremony
2nd – 5th Oct – MADE expo

For more information please visit www.instanthouse.it. Download the brief here.