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We are super excited to finally reveal our new special IAF members limited edition print! ‘Ghost Signs’ is beautifully illustrated by Fuchsia MacAree, a freelance illustrator based in Dublin. Want to get your hands on one? Simply join or renew as an IAF member today and we will have the print with you very soon! Not a member? No worries! Join HERE to get all the benefits.

Here is what Fuchsia has to say about the print:
‘The streets of Dublin show traces of our recent history in the signage left behind. If we look above eye level on any city centre street, fragments remain of the businesses that used to be there. Once you start noticing them it’s hard to stop – a clock on Wexford St declares it’s carpet time, while the word ‘rock’ is spelled out on sheet music above Abbey St. Inspired by the great work of the Dublin Ghost Signs project.’