Good Home Design can Enable People with Dementia to Remain Longer in Their Own Homes –
New Research published by the National Disability Authority’s Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) recommends that by following the principles of universal design – combined with a collaborative approach to design – it is possible for people living with dementia, their families and carers, to live longer and happier lives in their own homes.
The research provides evidence that the homes of the people living with dementia have been designed or redesigned without proper consultation. This results in people being very frustrated and confused as they don’t recognise the “new home”. Talking to people living with dementia , their families and carers, and understanding their needs, is very important.
At the launch of the research commissioned by the CEUD, the minister of State for Primary and Social Care, Kathleen Lynch stated that:
“This research establishes firm foundations for the national research and design guidelines that will be launched this summer. These guidelines need to be widely disseminated and used not only by the built environment design community but also by people living with dementia, their families and carers when they are building new homes or retrofitting existing ones.”
The Chair of the National Disability Authority, Helen Guinan, said:
“This is groundbreaking research not only in Ireland but also internationally. It will help to build knowledge and capacity within the built environment professional community to enable them to design, build and retrofit existing homes that will have a positive impact on people living with dementia, their families and carers. It will facilitate people living with dementia to remain in their own homes in greater safety and comfort.”
This research was NOT conducted by the IAF. To see the full report please visit The Centre for Universal Design webpage.