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2ha Magazine Fund It


Our friends over at 2ha magazine need your support. 2ha is a quarterly magazine interested in the suburbs that has be in publication since 2013.

Each issue looks at suburbia and its relationship to a particular theme. They have looked at various subjects from photography, cinema and language to typology, modernism and public space. Their aim is to, “get that bit closer to understanding the landscape of semi-ds, shopping centres and motorways which so many of us inhabit and yet which equally remains ignored or overlooked.”

They have plans, big plans, and that’s why they need your help. They are running a Fund It campaign to get their plans under way. They have four new editions of 2ha magazine in the works, #11 suburbia + failure, #12 suburbia + power, #13 suburbia + boundary and #14 suburbia + mapping. They are planning three talks, or ‘live magazines,’ with four contributors at each event – one each from the world of architecture, academia, art and writing.

They will be doing two suburban cycling tours as part of Open House Dublin 2015, one in the north and the other in the south side of the city, with specially designed maps of each for everyone who takes part.

They are also planning a launch party to say thanks to everyone who’s supported them.

Fund them HERE