dBMgallo demonstrates, through stunning visuals and sound, the importance of Ireland’s presence at such a culturally significant global event. The film moves poetically through the processes involved in creating a national pavilion from the arrival of the archive by boat, through the installation, and the final interplay with the public.
of de Blacam and Meagher was the exhibition that represented Ireland at the 12th International Architecture Exhibition at Venice La Biennale di Venezia in 2010. It was an initiative of Culture Ireland in partnership with the Arts Council of Ireland. commissioned by the Irish Architecture Foundation and curated by Tom dePaor, Peter Maybury, Alice Casey and Cian Deegan.
of de Blacam and Meagher examined the built and unbuilt portfolio of Irish architecture practice de Blacam and Meagher over the last 33 years.
The exhibition was about the production, reproduction, publication and archive of the architect’s office, and those associated with it and its culture. To mark this event the IAF commissioned Ruán Magan to make two films, dBMgallo and dBMgallo Words.
Director: Ruán Magan
Camera and editing: Ruán Magan
Original Music and Graphics: Peter Maybury / Gavin Duffy
Production logistics: Katie Darling / Irish Architecture Foundation
Picture Mastering: Bob Caldwell
Sound Mastering: Killian FitzGerald