As part of the Wood Works project exhibition ‘There is a forest in my backyard but my house is built from trees grown far away, the exhibition curators from b210 and Alder Architects designed a series of open Zoom lectures, where theoreticians, architects and industry experts from Estonia and Ireland shared their insights on the use of timber in construction, from forestry to demolition.
The lectures were aimed at architects, architecture students and professionals from other related fields as well as a broader audience of people interested in timber as a material. The lectures were in English and FREE of charge.
Participating Irish and Estonian architects, academics, and critics included: Wrkshp, Robert Bourke Architects, Hannigan Cooke Architects, OGU Architects, Joseph Mackey Architects, Peeter Pere Architects, Paco Ulman & Kaja Pae, Ruumiringlus, Renee Puusepp (Creatomus), Hannes Praks & Henri Papson & Maria Helena Luiga, Eik Hermann, Maarja Helena Meriste, Bucholz McEvoy Architects, Grafton Architects, PART Architects (Siim Tuksam and Sille Pihlak), Dr Conan O’Ceallaigh, Tsenter, Welement, and Timbeter.
Click here to download the schedule for the lecture series (PDF)