Head to Drogheda for a day of exploring of the architectural and social history of Townley Hall and the work of its architect, Francis Johnston on Sunday 7 June 2015. Townley Hall, built between 1794 and 1798 for Blayney Townley Balfour III, is widely considered to be Francis Johnston’s domestic masterpiece and has been described as the perfect neo-classical house.
There will be five talks, a Francis Johnston exhibition, guided tours of the house as well as a music event. The speakers are the Very Reverend Robert Townley, Armagh, Professor Mark Bailey, Director Armagh Observatory, Judith Hill MA History of Art (Cantab.), Dip. Arch. (RIBA), Livia Hurley Dip.Arch B.arch Sc MLitt and Mark Price B.Arch MRIAI.
On display will be an exhibition exploring a selection of Francis Johnston’s most significant projects through drawings, engravings and archive photographs. The material for the exhibition is drawn from the collections of the Irish Architectural Archive, The National Library of Ireland, The Ulster Museum, The Royal Society of Antiquaries Ireland, An Post GPO Museum, The Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland as well as the Country Life Photographic Library.
The not-for-profit event is hosted by the School of Philosophy and Economic Science, more information HERE
Image: Townley Hall