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The Fourth Wall: A Season on Film + Architecture at the IFI


The Irish Architecture Foundation in partnership with the Irish Film Institute presents ‘The Fourth Wall’, a season of Film and Architecture which will run at the IFI in Dublin from 5 to 16 of May 2011.

Curated by Nathalie Weadick, Director of the Irish Architecture Foundation, and Samantha Martin-McAuliffe, UCD School of Architecture, this collaboration explores and illuminates the point of encounter between architecture and the moving image.

The Fourth Wall reveals architecture as both protagonist and active participant within the fabric of filmmaking. It also harnesses the immersive and narrative capabilities of film. Rather than seeing the medium as a purely documentary tool, we are prompted to consider how film can unveil the intrinsic, even elusive, qualities of buildings and their settings. By attending to the richness of architectural place and space, this series asks questions and challenges preconceptions about how we inhabit architecture, both temporally and spiritually, as well as through memory and fiction. Many of the films in this series have never before been shown in Ireland.

In addition, there will be a specially curated selection of footage from the IFI Irish Film Archive, and a symposium organised by GradCAM (Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media) in collaboration with UCD, IAF and the IFI.

The Fourth Wall is presented with the support of the French Embassy in Ireland, the Goethe-Institut Irland, UCD and GradCAM.

The curators would like to thank especially Kevin Coyne, Sarah Glennie and also Lisa Godson, Sunniva O’Flynn, Dobrawa Brach-Kaluzna, Mick Wilson, Martin McCabe, Frank McDonald, Kevin Coyne, Ross Keane, the French Embassy and the Goethe-Institute. A very special thank you to design studio Unthink for their work on ‘The Fourth Wall’ logos and posters.

The Fourth Wall – The Films:

Koolhaas HouseLife by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine (2008)
Interiors, 2006 by Ursula Mayer (2006)
A Girl is a Fellow Here produced by Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation
Beaubourg. Four films by Denis Postle (1980)
Botharbui by Heathcote Barr London (2008)
The Dilapidated Dwelling by Patrick Keiller (2000)
If Buildings Could Talk by Wim Wenders (2010)
Mon Oncle by Jacques Tati (1959)
Block B by Chris Chong Chan Fui (2008)
Chain by Jem Cohen (2004)
Daybreak Express by D. A. Pennebaker
Los Angelus Plays Itself by Thom Andersen (2003)
Dublin: Sean agus Nua (Short films from the IFI Archive)