21st October,
from 19:00,
at CCAE, Copley Street, Cork.
Free Event.
TAKA was founded by Alice Casey and Cian Deegan TAKA has participated in the Venice Architectural Biennale in 2008 as part of ‘The Lives of Spaces’ exhibition and co-curated the Irish Pavilion ‘of de Blacam and Meagher’ in 2010. TAKA has received an International Brick Award, 2 AAI Awards, an RIAI award and been nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe award. Alice and Cian have tutored in various schools of architecture and are both currently studying for a PhD by Practice through RMIT Melbourne. TAKA is a practice concerned with the communicative potential of architecture, with tectonic expression and with place making. TAKA is based in Dublin, Ireland.
photo by Alice Clancy
TAKA Architects – Lecture is NOT an IAF event and is delivered by RIAI Southern Region in collaboration with the UCC Architecture Society for more information please visit this website.