Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
8 & 9 February 2012
Hilton Dublin Airport Hotel, Malahide Road, Dublin
This February, the Irish Landscape Institute is organising a two day training workshop in Dublin in sustainable drainage systems.
Course Tutor: Robert Bray, Robert Bray Associates.
Recent years have seen unprecedented flood damage in Dublin, Cork and other parts of the country. A single flooding event in urban areas (Cork in 2009, Dublin in 2011) costs €35-50 milion in repair work. The use of SuDS to manage surface water run-off is now required under national policy. Sustainable Drainage is an environmentally friendly way of dealing with surface water runoff which avoids the problems associated with conventional drainage practice. Conventional drainage exacerbates flooding, causes pollution and is generally more expensive to install and to maintain than Sustainable Drainage schemes. The Environment Agency in the UK advocates Sustainable Drainage schemes because they do not contribute to flooding, they encourage wildlife and provide visually attractive, and educational, amenities in the form of wetland habitat which is increasingly under threat in the UK.
This intensive course will cover the background, principles and maintenance of SuDS systems and will include a site visit on day 2. The course will be of interest to landscape architects, engineers, architects, planners, environmental consultants.
Lunch, tea & coffee and sandwiches provided.
Early Registration until 31st January:
€220 for members of ILI and Urban Forum
€275 for non-member
Registration after 31st January:
€270 for members of ILI and Urban Forum
€350 for non-members
Concession rates available for students and unwaged – for information contact the ILI administrator.
Course programme and full details will be issued shortly.
Registration is open now.
Places are limited – please book early. Email to reserve a place.