Event Information
Streetspace: Exhibition and Symposia
PLACE, Lower Garfield Street, Belfast, United Kingdom
Event Information
Streetspace: Exhibition and Symposia
PLACE, Lower Garfield Street, Belfast, United Kingdom
The Culture & Society Cluster of the School of Natural and Built Environment at Queen’s University Belfast invites you to the exhibition and two symposia to be held at Place between the 12th and 22nd of May.
StreetSpace is a research and teaching project at Queen’s University Belfast, led by Dr Agustina Martire, with the collaboration of scholars from architecture, planning, history, geography, sociology and sound.
Streets are complex places that connect diverse areas of the city. StreetSpace seeks to understand the significance of superdiverse streets, by analysing their physical, historical and experiential aspects. It explores streets that risk losing their distinctive identities, but seeks to understand and value their diversity and complexity. This multidisciplinary and international project aims to provide an alternative way of planning, preserving and developing streets.
In this context they will be holding an exhibition of the work developed in the last 2 years within the project’s Workshops, Conference sessions, Reading group and Master of Architecture studio. The exhibition will take place from May 12 to May 22 in PLACE NI.
On May 12, the Superdiverse Streets Symposium will explore a series of case studies in Belfast, Europe and beyond, to discuss and compare research and practice of Streets as superdiverse places. Keynote: Matthew Carmona, Professor of Planning and Urban Design at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL.
On May 22, the Heritage at Risk Streets Symposium will address issues of community heritage, conservation and heritage practice and global heritage at risk.
The exhibition is public, free and open from 10am to 5pm from May 12 to May 22. If you want to participate in either or both of the events of May 12 or 22 please contact Dr Agustina Martire at a.martire@qub.ac.uk. Tickets are free but there are limited places.