until 27th June
11-5pm (Closed Sunday and Monday)
Central Buildings,
51A O’Connell Street,
Limerick City
Exhibition of DoCoMoMo International Architectural Ideas Competition for Limerick City of Culture. Public Launch of Exhibition at 6pm 10th June 2014 by Jacqui Hayes, Limerick City Archivist.
DoCoMoMo Ireland and Limerick City of Culture presents ‘Rank’s Silo in the 21st Century’ an open international competition to develop ideas for what this iconic building in Limerick City might become. This architectural ideas competition seeks to generate discussion among designers and decision-makers about the future of the Rank’s Silo Building. As a valuable architectural contribution to Limerick City of Culture this competition seeks to encourage once more a certain disregard for convention, a quest for adventure and an exploration of possibilities.
The competition attracted 131 registrants from The United States, Venezuala, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Spain, The United Kingdom and Ireland. Of the 131 registered 3 prize-winners, three highly commended entries and 9 commended entries were selected.
The international invited jury was composed of Professor Merritt Bucholz of The School of Architecture University of Limerick (SAUL); Siobhan Ni Eanaigh of McGarry Ni Eanaigh Architects; Irenee Scalbert of SAUL and London; Patrica Haselbeck Flynn, Curator of The Haselbeck Collection; Dr. John Logan of The University of Limerick; Carole Pollard, Chair of DoCoMoMo Ireland and Kazys Varnelis of The Ntework Lab, Columbia University New York.
The competition was organized by Peter Carroll, Course Director at SAUL and Emma Gilleece of Limerick Civic Trust.
The three prize-winning entries that captured the imagination and scrutiny of the invited jury included an Irish National Seed Vault, a Basilica and a Cultural Mixer. What was shared by all three prize-winning entries was their capacity to anticipate inevitable impact of change while allowing a plurality of uses and also making creative use of what already exists. The jury citations follow overleaf:
1st prize – LM835 Irish National Seed Vault_Stephan Brugger + Eva Hierzer / AUSTRIA
2nd prize – LM1008 Basilica_ Philippo Ginnasta & Gabriele Lupo / SWITZERLAND
3rd prize – LM822 The Mixer: Preserve, Add and Mix_Laurence Lord + Jeffrey Bolhuis AP+E / NETHERLANDS & DENMARK
Highly Commended:
– LM861 Second Life_Kevin Kelly IRELAND
– LM852 Piano Fortissimo_David Flynn IRELAND
– LM809 City of Craft: Re-presenting Ranks Silo_Ciarán Conlon; Kieran Murray; Conor Rochford; Su Wang IRELAND
– LM730 Library Depot for Limerick City_Briain Moriarty & Ben Mullen / USA+IRL
– LM749 Sports Centre_Alfredo Moreno / VENEZUELA
– LM772 Shannon Ship Restoration_David Magennis / IRELAND
– LM848 Man-Made Mountain_Tún Architecture and Design / IRELAND
– LM894 Printing City_David McInerney / IRELAND
– LM905 The Deliver-Drone Centre_Sean Collins, Collin Dorgan & Ger Walsh / IRELAND
– LM918 Silo Cloud_Marta Lopez Rubio / SPAIN
– LM975 SiloH! Strolling in Limerick, On a High!_Simone Picano / ITALY
– LM998 Absolution_Ronan Power / IRELAND
Ranks Silo in the 21st Century – Exhibition is NOT delivered by IAF and is delivered by DoCoMoMo – Ireland for more information please visit this website.