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Open House Cork 2015

Cork’s first ever Open House weekend has been announced. From 10 to 12 April Cork will open the doors of interesting buildings to the public and they are looking for Corkonians to get involved.

Open House Cork are looking for people who own or live in buildings of architectural interest to showcase their houses to the public. They are also calling on people to volunteer for the Open House Cork weekend. Whether you are an architectural enthusiast or are completely new to the world of design, all are welcome to volunteer.

If you want to get involved or find out more please contact hello@openhousecork.ie

As part of our IAF members events, we will be taking a trip during the weekend to see the highlights of Cork architecture. For more information on this trip and how to become an IAF member contact deirdre@architecturefoundation.ie

Image: National Sculpture Factory courtesy Mike Hannon Media