Event Information
Event Information
Tickets Available – Melt the Walls at Mother Tongues Festival
Rua Red, South Dublin Arts Centre, Blessington Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
Saturday 2 March
4—6pm Portuguese
Sunday 3 March
12—2pm Spanish;
2—4pm French;
4—6pm Bulgarian.
Rua Red, Conference Room
Join the Irish Architecture Foundation for ‘Melt the Walls’ workshops exploring design and architecture in Tallaght through Bulgarian, French, Portuguese and Spanish! Take a look at Tallaght as it is now and imagine how it could be in the future through photography, mapping, making and discussion. Workshops for children, families and adults of all ages. Melt the Walls is a project looking to better connect Tallaght’s cultural and civic spaces — Rua Red, Civic Theatre, County Hall and County Library — with their immediate neighbours, using public space to do so. We want activity to spill out into outdoor space, melting the walls between the buildings and connecting people in Tallaght to culture, to civic life and to each other.
Junte-se à Irish Architecture Foundation para a oficina/workshop ‘Melt the Walls’ que explora o design e a arquitectura de Tallaght através das diferentes línguas: Búlgaro, Francês, Português e Espanhol! Imagine como poderia ser Tallaght no futuro através da discussão e de actividades como a fotografia, mapeamento e construção. Crianças, famílias e adultos de todas as idades são bem-vindos.
Saturday 2nd March 4pm – Join us for a Portuguese language session
¡Únase a la Fundación Irlandesa de Arquitectura para la realización de los talleres “Derribando los Muros” que exploraran el diseño y la arquitectura en Tallaght en diferentes idiomas Búlgaro, Francés, Portugués y Español! Analiza el contexto en Tallaght tal y como es ahora e imagínate cómo podría llegar a ser en el futuro a través del uso de la fotografía, la cartografía, el diseño y el debate. Se realizarán talleres para niños, familias y adultos de todas las edades.
Sunday 3rd March 12pm – Join us for a Spanish language session
Rejoins la Fondation Irlandaise d’architecture pour « Fondre les murs » explore le design et l’architecture de Tallaght à travers un atelier proposé en Bulgare, Français, Portugais et Espagnol !
Regarde Tallaght aujourd’hui et imagine ce que cette ville pourrait devenir dans le futur à travers la photographie, la cartographie, et des discussions. Cet atelier est accessible aux enfants, familles et adultes de toutes âges.
Sunday 3rd March 2pm – Join us for a French language session
“Melt the Walls” между майчините езици
Присъединете се към Ирландската архитектурна фондация за семинарите “Melt the Walls”, които ще изследват дизайна и архитектурата в квартал Tallaght набългарски, френски, португалски и испански! Разгледайте кварталът, както е в настоящият момент, и си представете как би могъл да бъде в бъдеще – чрез фотография, картографиране, нов дизайн и обсъждане. Присъединете се към работилницата за деца, семейства и хора от всички възрасти.
Sunday 3rd March 4pm – Join us for a Bulgarian language session
FREE tickets available to book here: