The street conflicts in Dublin from 1916 to 1922 – as key moments and aspects in pursuit of Irish independence – led to major architectural destruction, which in turn brought about not insignificant urban rebuilding schemes. Thinking about the physical make-up of the city, especially the commercial spaces of Dublin’s north city centre, much of how we move through, spend time in and experience the city comes out of these 1920s reconstruction projects. So then, the scars of conflict and the efforts towards rebuilding resonate through Dublin’s architecture today, almost 100 years later.
In reality, conflict underpins architectural, and especially urban history. Its processes of destruction and then reconstruction have made and remade cities across the world and through time. Dublin is not unique in this. We want to gather architects, historians, archaeologists and geographers together to share research and knowledge about what happened to Dublin’s buildings and streets during the 1916 Rising, and through the heady years of 1921 and 1922; while unpacking elements of the reconstruction of Dublin from 1917 and then, from 1924. But as well as that, we want to place Dublin in a greater European context, and to draw on contrasting and comparative examples of conflict’s role in city formation.
Staying in the twentieth century, this two-day public conference will present research into various architectures of war and cities in repair: from contemporary Beirut to Blitz-time London; from Cold War bunkers to Belfast’s peace-lines. Presentations will be highly visual and varied. Taken together, the two days of papers will highlight issues of renewal, rupture, defence, bias, heroism, vision – throwing light on the complex effects of conflict upon urban architecture. The conference will end with a special screening in collaboration with the Irish Film Institute.
For more information and to see the line up head to http://conflictandthecity.ie/
Book here NOW
The conference is free but booking is essential. For more information, contact ei.yticnilbud@egatireh