The Liquor Rooms are sharing the love for architecture with cocktails next Wednesday 30 September. The night will feature talks on how the Irish drinks industry and architecture have collided. For the first time this year, they are going international with their speakers, George Boyle architect of The Teeling Distillery and Harry Parr from Bompas & Parr, London will give talks on the evening.
All attendees for the talk will be able to get a special €8 cocktail on the night in addition to some free samples. PROPERCORN will be on hand to fill the bellies. Be prepared for an evening of creative partnerships, great company and of course, some cocktails!
The Cocktails+Design talk series at the Liquor Rooms celebrates the partnerships between the drinks industry and design. Cocktails+Design is supported by Irish Design 2015 in collaboration with IDI Design Social and Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI).
This event is free to attend and open to all – sure you don’t even have to be a designer.
Tickets available HERE
Wednesday 30 September. Doors open 5pm, talks begin at 7pm. It tends to be a busy night so come early to get a seat!