Join a team of dedicated, creative people all sharing a mutual passion for architecture, art, design and its intersection with the public.
Our vision is a future where architecture is a civic right, fundamental to the fabric of life, culture and history, and is a confident expression of who we are and who we might become.
This is an incredible opportunity to join a team of dedicated, creative people all sharing a mutual passion for architecture, art, design and its intersection with the public. In a few short years, we have situated architecture firmly within the cultural context, popularised it through Open House Dublin, inspired young minds through our schools programme, encouraged people to think differently about their cities and towns, and enhanced the practice of architecture through mutually beneficial exchanges between architects and the public.
In preparation for delivery of out 2019-2023 Strategic Plan and with future plans in mind, we are looking to develop a robust and sustainable operation. The position of Office and Production Manager is at the very core of our operations and our implementation plan.
The Office and Production Manager will support the Director of the Irish Architecture Foundation in the delivery of engaging and broad ranging programs that bring people together from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.
If you see yourself as an effective entrepreneurial multitasker who has at least three years general management experience in a similar cultural not-for-profit environment you should consider this.
This person will have responsibility for the management of the company finances, to implement and secure a robust financial management system, to align these financial systems with the program delivery, which will include budgeting and production plans. Intersecting with financial management the Office and Production Manager will have responsibility for core aspects of programme delivery.
Full Job Spec HERE
Please send a CV and cover letter by email only, clearly demonstrating how you can fit this role and criteria.
Applications should be submitted to director@architecturefoundation.ie.
Closing date for applications has been extended to 12 noon 29 April 2019. Late applications will not be accepted.